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Re: Anyone going to buy FF14???

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:52 pm
by Enneisevoli
whatever everybody else wants to do is ok with me. I don't know the difference between the cities really lol. I'm waiting till like 5 days before release to really start reading up on all the lore behind the game that's posted on the website lol.

On a side note, i got my new 4 gigs in the bail today of RAM. Added about 300 to my score, not terrible for 100 bucks. I still cant figure out the memory tweaking and cpu overclocking though. I'm so afraid I'm going to break something or overheat something. Anybody know of a good guide on how to maximize my systems power? Some of the reading iv done said that with ram, overclocking isn't necessarily always mean system performance increase, you have to tweak the settings just right, sometimes meaning putting a setting down rather than up. So i want to make sure i find the right guide, cause so far the ones iv found just seem like overclock fanatics that just want their system to read high frequencies and aren't really trying to optimize system performance. Thx guys :)

Re: Anyone going to buy FF14???

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:35 pm
by Phane
For starting cities, I'm not too nuts about pirate themes but I guess it doesn't really matter to me. I'll try reading up on the cities and see if one stands out.

Monitor size has no bearing on the benchmark. It can only be run at two resolutions, 720p and 1080p basically.

If I'm getting 3720 with the fullscreen patch, I'd figure you should Get at least close to that unless you've got some other issue.

Re: Anyone going to buy FF14???

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:40 am
by Enneisevoli
awesome thx phane.

So weird though, i installed new ram (same exact speed, model, company, size, basically the exact same ram) to upgrade from 4 to 8. After installing my system said i needed to reset my ram speed in cmos. So i did. after that i ran benchmark and got a 4088! Awesome right? new ram increased my score like 500 this time. Well after the benchmark i got blue screen. And kept getting it every time i restarted. So i took the new ram out. Now my system runs fine and weirdly enough I'm getting 4140+ scores now (slightly higher than the 8 gig ram). So it seems the cmos setting restart is what boosted my score, not the ram lol. Looks like i was sent bad ram possibly (unless you guys can think of what else it might be).

Also, I'm contemplating on biting the bullet and going for some gtx 480's. 1500's a bit steep, but the cards will help me with work (video editing and animation) anyway so i guess i could warrant spending that. Will my motherboard handle 3 of those ok? or will it bottleneck and not even worth putting that kind of power in it? Thx again for all your help phane, wish i knew more about hardware so i could stop bugging you lol

(o one last thing. still cant figure out how to do memory tweaks. know of any good guides online for my setup that could help me? If not no worries, don't go out of your way to find one. Just wondering if you knew of one off hand. Thx man)

Re: Anyone going to buy FF14???

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:21 pm
by Phane
Enneisevoli wrote:Looks like i was sent bad ram possibly (unless you guys can think of what else it might be)
Try downloading and running Memtest86 (you'll need to burn it to CD and then boot from the CD. Usually 1 full pass (about 20 minutes) is enough to reveal bad memory but a thorough overnight test ensures there's no problems. You'll need that if you're tweaking your memory timings anyway.
Enneisevoli wrote:Also, I'm contemplating on biting the bullet and going for some gtx 480's. 1500's a bit steep, but the cards will help me with work (video editing and animation) anyway so i guess i could warrant spending that. Will my motherboard handle 3 of those ok? or will it bottleneck and not even worth putting that kind of power in it? Thx again for all your help phane, wish i knew more about hardware so i could stop bugging you lol
I have 3 main concerns.

1) that your computer might not be able to keep up with 3 of your current cards, let alone 3 GTX 480's. The bottleneck may not be the card or the PCIe bus but the processor (as in they don't make one fast enough yet). So you might spend $1500 and see no performance boost at all, which I wouldn't want you to do. One thing you can do is run 3D Mark 06 and see what your scores are with 3 cards, and then run it again with only 2. See how much of a performance drop (if any) you see.

2) The GTX 480 requires an ungodly amount of power. Two[/b/] of them in SLI pull in an estimated 595 watts (GTX 280's are 508 watts) under ideal conditions (at load). A third would probably push you over 700 watts of power. I'm not sure what kind of power supply you have there (or how many amps you got on that circuit for your house, that's almost 6 amps off of a standard 15 amp circuit). I'd make sure your power supply can handle at least 700 watts (800 to be extra safe) on the +12 volt rails. To find that out, open up your case and look at the power supply. It will have a chart with voltages and amps. Look at each of the boxes that have +12v written on them and see how many amps there are. Add them all up and multiply by 12 to find out how many watts you can handle on the +12v rails.

3) The GTX 480 puts out a TON of heat. 55 degrees C at idle, 93 degrees at full load. A GTX 280 is 49 at idle, 69 at load. Your case had better have plenty of good ventilation and a decent gap between each 2 slot card.

Enneisevoli wrote:one last thing. still cant figure out how to do memory tweaks. know of any good guides online for my setup that could help me? If not no worries, don't go out of your way to find one. Just wondering if you knew of one off hand. Thx man)

I can't find any decent guides. It's a fairly complicated and laborious process that may result in a 10% performance boost, or may not end up with any appreciable boost at all.

If you're already benching over 4k, I don't know why you'd throw another $1500 at it. 4k at high res is probably about as good as you can expect. You'd be MUCH better off saving the $1500 and using it to upgrade 1-2 years from now when you actually have a reasonable amount of room to move up instead of struggling to plaster yourself closer to the performance ceiling.

I just fully upgraded and optimized my rig and I'm quite happy with a 3,650 score at full screen high res. I know my GPU's are bottlenecking me on that benchmark but I figure in 2 years there'll be a card available for $100 that performs just as well as the $350 cards of today, and probably has less power and heat concerns... ><

Re: Anyone going to buy FF14???

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:09 pm
by Enneisevoli
awesome phane. Iv got a 1000 wat power supply, but I'm going to stuck with my current setup i guess. Il just keep working on trying to get this memory i just bought to not cause my system to blue screen and il end it there. Thx for the advise man i really appreciate it :).

What are you thoughts on upgrading my motherboard bios? Is it worth the risk of doing if i'm not planning on upgrading components? Does bios upgrade make computers perform better or are the mostly just for adding comparability with newer processors and memory and stuff.

I tried to find bios upgrade for my motherboard, but i cant for the life of me figure out were to find it, but il stop looking if its not worth even doing lol. Thx alot bro! You've been a life saver.

Re: Anyone going to buy FF14???

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:38 pm
by Phane
Motherboard bios updates usually are fixes to issues with hardware or adding support for additional hardware. Unless you have a problem that the bios release notes claim to resolve, it's usually recommended that you not update. That's because if the update fails, your motherboard is dead and sometimes firmware updates can cause new issues you didn't have before.

I'd run memtest and call support. They'll tell you to run memtest to verify the memory has an issue and you can tell them you already have.

Re: Anyone going to buy FF14???

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:31 am
by Enneisevoli
sounds like a plan. Thx phane :). NO idea if the ram will help my benchmark at all but i'm pretty sure it will help alot with video and animation renders and edits.

Re: Anyone going to buy FF14???

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:11 am
by eowynn
Well fortunately open beta is just around the corner and we can explore all three cities.

Gridania looks nice!!

Re: Anyone going to buy FF14???

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:51 am
by Enneisevoli
applied for beta the day beta was announced. Also signed up for like 15 beta key giveaway contests. And yet, still no beta for me :(. Fuck random, everything should be based on skill and effort. Luck has never been my friend lol.

Re: Anyone going to buy FF14???

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:31 pm
by eowynn
tomorrow night open beta begins and we can get a look at the other to cities!!