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Re: The Galka jokes need to stop.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:26 pm
by Rakuyu
I think what he's trying to get at is that some of the jokes are actually kind of un-called for. There are a few that aim towards the player itself, yet the material of the joke is more insulting that joking. I haven't seen a joke like this said on the ls, due to the fact I'm probably focusing on what I'm doing, or looking away from the screen, so I can't say who said what.

Anyway, I had a few pulled on me, not in the ls mind you, and it actually pissed me the hell off because someone would actually say it. I was in a social LS a long time ago, and some player who was on a taru was going on about how Taru-Taru players are the only smart players in the game. Galkas are black players who need to be out in the fields and not inside playing, Mithra players are people who need to be neutered and tossed in a cage. Elvaan, well. They actually matched it with the snootiness of the Elvaan NPCs in Sandy. Lastly: Humes are just a bunch of dumbasses who don't know how to play.

What happened to that Taru? He ate his words to say the least. He kept dying a lot when he was trying to help someone. And when a "dumbass" hume, ironically me, came out there to help him, he kept dying and making a bunch of mistakes.

Re: The Galka jokes need to stop.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:54 pm
by Dynas
I'm aiming this more towards what Rakkyu just posted. Joking around and having a good time is not the problem, it's when people go like, "Hey fatty, you were worthless anyway Galka." Then they keep up the insults on and on, and it gets to the point where it hurtful and makes someone feel like they don't belong to the group due to the constant barrage of insults, whether they were benign or not.

Re: The Galka jokes need to stop.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:56 am
by poppinfresh
eh.. sometimes stuff is annoying i agree since it happens to mithra too. either way its just a game. i can see where you are getting offended. you also dont know half the people here.. if ppl who joined this year in anduril started jabbing at me because older members do i would probably tell them to fuck off.

Re: The Galka jokes need to stop.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:33 pm
by Iaxz
I dont think anyone in this ls would intentionally throw a personal insult towards another member. Typically i find when people joke around with one another its cus they like the person theyre joking at. Being were all in the same ls and voted eachother here, i think this to be the case. The content of the humor, being player model race based, leaves this to be non-insulting, however if being the use owner of the player model leads this to effect the quality of the gameplay experience , than perhaps it should be addressed. I dont think there would be a single person in the ls who would allow another player to call one another by "Hey fat-ass" or similar. Yes some players have nicknames for one another and these players have typically been aquaintences for some time, but would noot refer to someone new by such names. This seems childish to me. and tbh i think tarus are weak midgets. =P

Re: The Galka jokes need to stop.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:33 pm
by Rakuyu
There are a few members who would. No, I'm not naming them. Although I'm sure everyone here is smart enough to think who they are.

Yes, it is true that LSmates will look out for one another, sometimes it's not the case here. There have been instances where several people were insulted and was on the verge of leaving because a few Anduril members couldn't grow up. And no, I'm not talking about Kealoha.

I'm not saying the joking around has to stop. People just need to start thinking before they go and say something in the ls that elvolves around being a crude/rude joke.

Re: The Galka jokes need to stop.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:33 pm
by Krazykozy
Gman III wrote:Damn fatass Galkas...


Re: The Galka jokes need to stop.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:04 am
by Strange