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New FFXI AH Rules (Due to recent drama & sponsor loss)

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:04 pm
by Krazykozy
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2011-04-29 17:20:47
Link | Block | Pm | Quote | Reply Score: 18 [–] [+]

After a week or so of deliberation among the site admins and moderators, we have come up with a new set of forum rules, effective immediately. While the list may seem short, a lot of back and forth went into the exact policies. You are welcome to comment on them, but the decisions are final for the foreseeable future.

These changes are primarily designed to help the site retain and restore its advertising sponsorships, so that the site can support itself. Many are in reaction to automated mechanisms that detect and report inappropriate content.

These rules replace any existing guidelines previously posted.


Policy Changes:

- We are implementing a global profanity filter for all users under 13, and for users not logged in. As we no longer ask for birthdays at registration, this means it will apply to all new users as well.

- Slurs based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or similar protected statuses are not permitted, even in jest, or even by members of the same group.

- All sexual content now falls under "American network television" rules. While this naturally involves a certain gray area, if you won't see it on standard television (not cable), don't post it.

- Overly hostile and repeat attacks against a given user which would normally fall under harassment policies in-game will no longer be allowed.

- Posting any personal real-life identifiable information or images about a particular user without their permission is not allowed, unless they have previously posted it here.

- Player Warnings are no longer permitted.

- Do not link to or advertise external sites for blatant 3rd party hacks and tools that would probably get you immediately banned from FFXI/XIV. Guildwork Client and Windower are ok.

- These policies apply to all sections of the site: forum, item and player comments, screenshots, avatars, etc. Images violating any of the above rules will be removed if discovered by an admin or mod.


Site Organization and Code Changes:

While final, these changes (and others) require significant coding work and so have no immediate ETA.

- The Flame Core will be removed. Threads will simply be deleted instead.

- The post ratings system will be changed. You will only have two options: to rate a post up, and to report it.

- Sufficiently reported posts will spam email notifications to all admins and moderators to help with reaction time, and reduce the need for users to sometimes contact admins directly.


Admin and Moderator Procedure:

- We will no longer attempt to "soft" correct differences with users over private messages, in order to be more consistent and visible in our disciplinary policies.

- We are tentatively removing the soft prohibition on discussing disciplinary measures taken against a given user in public.

- The first infraction to any of the above policies will be a warning.

- The second will be a temporary ban. We will be implementing a feature for temp-bans that auto-unbans a user after a specific time to prevent inconsistencies in duration.

- The third infraction will result in a global site ban.

- All bans by moderators must be approved by another moderator or site admin. Comments on the user account explaining the reason are mandatory to prevent inconsistencies in messaging.